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about me


Hi, folks. My name is Sydney.

Born and raised in Connecticut, I moved to NYC to attend Marymount Manhattan College, where I received my BFA in musical theatre and directing-- and where I had the honor of being valedictorian.

Fun fact: I was petrified of dogs until I was 12 years old. When I auditioned for a local production of Annie, my mom asked, "what will you do if you're Annie and they use a real dog, Syd?" I replied, "I'm an actor. I'll figure it out."

That's what I do. I figure it out. I have figured out (and am constantly working to figure out) how to create a space for myself as both an actor and a director, how to incorporate my queerness and Judaism into my artistic identity, how to foster healthy relationships with food within the context of the theatre industry. I figured it out when I accidentally became props master for a production, challenged with material that felt beyond my grasp. As an academically inclined person, I take great pleasure in research and then the hands-on practice of figuring it out in order to be a better artist and person.

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